Friday, April 25, 2008

Weekly Update 4/25/2008

Okay folks, where are we now? Bungie has released a crapload of... crap... about how not to get Recon. Who's this list of things gonna stop? Nobody... Here is the latest episode of Inside Halo. (No, it's not the same one as last week.) Okay, now to the Rockstar front, GTA IV comes out on Tuesday, and it's already received a 10/10 from IGN, and quite possibly a 10/10 from me... I decided to check the official site. Here's a little something I found: God, I hope that embedded... I'll have my official review up next week. I got the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack, and man was it AWESOME! Pen and Ink, and Nova suck though. (You'll know what I mean if you get the pack. The two afforementioned objects make your eyes bleed!) On another, related note, Chris Beaumont has finally released the Cubeecraft Halo Weapons Pack for his Cubeecraft Master Chief model. (Though, in theory, you could make any armed Cubeecraft hold the weapons if you have an x-acto knife and you printed on cardstock... But that's a different story.) I guess that's all for now. Check back next week for another update. This is Schizo, signing out!

Friday, April 18, 2008

And here is the latest episode of Inside Halo. Hope you like it!


Hello, all! I am Schizo, and I am teh suck... Much to all of my acquaintances' chagrin, I've started a Blog. If you don't like it, you can suck it! All in all though, I wanna post cool stuf like cool Halo 3 Forge Maps, or papercraft, or cool machinima, and Inside Halo is a must! I do hope you like me, reclaimer, for I am not going to leave this.